[vc_row css=”.vc_custom_1511433234545{padding-top: 50px !important;}”][vc_column width=”1/3″][vc_custom_heading text=”2017
Projects & People” font_container=”tag:h1|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][vc_btn title=”Digita!” style=”flat” color=”black” align=”left”][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][vc_btn title=”Oltrecorto” style=”flat” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Ftsfm.centrodelcorto.it%2Fen%2F2017-oltrecorto-3%2F|||”][/vc_column_inner][vc_column_inner width=”1/3″][vc_btn title=”Distributors meet buyers” style=”flat” link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Ftsfm.centrodelcorto.it%2Fen%2F2017-distributors-meet-buyers%2F|||”][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_empty_space height=”50″][vc_tta_tabs][vc_tta_section title=”Projects” tab_id=”1511433590502-168f4081-9653″][vc_column_text]Digita! | Pitch
Kanaga – The journey Begins, by Caterina Mongiò, Italy, Web Series
Kanaga wants to stimulate self awareness, make people ask questions, draw even more attention to the relationship between man and nature. In a time when environmentalism has opened new gates to sustainability, Kanaga aims to engage the audience in an exploration of possibilities.
Presented by: Caterina Mongiò
Contact: cmongio@yahoo.com
Seven Social Sins – Sette Peccati Digitali, by Riccardo Milanesi, Italy, Smart Series
Seventh Heaven is the name of a Whatsapp group of seven friends. Three of them face tragedies related to their obsessive use of the web. Their social media “obsessions” seem to typify three of the Seven Deadly Sins. They will soon find out that all these incidents were plotted by a maniac that has decided to punish them for their 7 digital sins.
Presented by: Riccardo Milanesi
Contact: riccardo.milanesi@scuolaholden.it
T.H.E. The Human Extension, by Aimone Bodini, Italy, VR 360°
Embody people in a piece of art and letting them experience the mystic moment of artistic creation from a privileged and innovative point of view.
Presented by: Aimone Bodini
Contact: aimone@proximamilano.com
Tricycle, by Rossella Schillaci, Italy, VR 360°
A virtual reality 360° documentary that explores the world of children living in prison with their mothers. We will follow the kids within their own living space, with a camera close to them. The film immerses the spectator inside a closed institution and offers an insight from a special perspective: the children’s one.
Presented by: Rossella Schillaci
Contact: rossellasch@yahoo.com
Twinky Doo’s Magic World, by Alessandro Izzo, Italy, Web Series
Four robbers take refuge in a warehouse, after a heist gone bad at Twinky Doo’s Magic World, a theme park for families. The Police has surrounded the place, but the real threat is not outside. A drama horror web series, but also an auteur project: a story about the lost and the losers, a political statement about the dark side of capitalism.
Presented by: I Licaoni
Contact: i.licaoni@gmail.com
Digita! | Other projects
Happy Street, by Therese Ahlbeck, Sweden, Web Series
Happy Street is a crime-comedy-series about what happens when a scientist comes up with an idea too good to be true. Or what happens when a cop has had too much to drink. Or what happens when two young archeologists dig where they are not supposed to be digging.
Contact: marcus@tinylumberjack.se
Masca, by Mario Garofalo, Italy, Web Series
The web series, with two children as protagonists and set in an imaginary village over the mountains, is inspired by the figure of “Masca”, the folkloristic witch of Piedmont.
Contact: mario@mariogarofalo.com
Dreaming, by Girolamo Da Schio, Italy, Virtual Reality
Dreaming tells the story of Mara, a 30 year old woman, who suffers from a serious case of obsessive Rupophobia, the fear of rubbish and dirt.
She shares an apartment with Carlo, a human-like sex toy.
Although Carlo isn’t aware of it (he’s not an actual living and conscious human being), him and Mara are in a relationship.
Contact: gdaschio@gmail.com
Love Shards, by Alessandro Avataneo, Italy, Virtual Reality
‘Love shards’ is a concept for a series of short films shot in VR. The project will contain 3 short films (8 min each). The movies will tell three love stories, we will select some important moments of this love stories and edit those moments together. There will be the moment when love starts, develops and, eventually, finishes. All those stories will take place or start in the same apartment.
Contact: francescogiugiaro@gmail.com
Chit Chat, by Luca Acito, Italy, Web Series-Interactive Video
The future seen from the earth is a web series made by people using the innovative interactive “Chit Chat” system.It’s an automatic video booth system funny and easy to be used. Chit Chat is an audiovisual guest book we created using arduino technology. The web-series is about the future. We use the sci-fi genre to stimulate the people to talk about the present! You can watch the video we made during the Rome-MakerFaire 2016…it’s our pilot episode!
Contact: luca.acito@gmail.com
The Sixth Reich, by Mariano Equizzi, Luca Liggio and Paolo Bigazzi alderigi, Italy, Web Serie
The story is set in a very recent future indistinguishable from our present. The Sixth Reich is a choral speculative drama where different threads unchain a transhuman apocalypse: the rising of a race of Titans. The tropes of the series are provocative, harsh, linked with the real world but the drama is also compelling, epic and always focusing on the human conundrum: why the Power kills?
Contact: marianoequizzi@rache.company
InMusic, by Andrea Masera, Italy, Virtual Reality
“InMusic VR Experience” is an original VR series. It is an immersive format designed to re-imagine the way of viewing and listening to music. In fact, thanks to VR, it is possible to teleport the viewer to the most suggestive and amazing environments. In addition, “InMusic VRE” lets you step inside the music, placing you at the center of the scene, creating a sense of intimacy with the musicians and empowering the emotions perceived.
Contact: andrea@proximamilano.com[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][vc_tta_section title=”People” tab_id=”1511433590563-da12f3b5-6bf8″][vc_column_text]Simone Arcagni, Università di Palermo & Emerging Series (Italy)
Ruta Boguzaite, Wide Management (France)
Girolamo Da Schio, Torino Virtual Reality Festival (Italy)
Janet De Nardis, Palomar and Roma Web Fest (Italy)
Leonardo Ferrara, Rai Fiction (Italy)
Guido Geminiani, Impersive (Italy)
Gianluca Guzzo, MyMovies (Italy)
Loren Hammonds, Tribeca Film Festival (USA)
Camille Lopato, Diversion Cinema (France)
Andrea Masera, Proxima Milano (Italy)
Bruno Smadja, CrossVideoDays (France)
Alexandrine Stehelin, Small Bang (France)
Lucia Vesco and Alessandra Genco, Mosaicoon (Italy)[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][/vc_tta_tabs][/vc_column][/vc_row]