Torino Short Film Market (TSFM) was founded in 2016 as an international market primarily focused on the short film ecosystem. TSFM aims to not only promote the growth of the short film industry in Europe but equally so worldwide. Additionally, TSFM’s goal is to improve the impact of the short film and its professional industry on the broader film business and at the same time to nurture the development of new cinema authors and talents.
TSFM takes place late November in Turin, Italy. Since 2016, four onsite and one online edition have been organised. In 2020, due to the pandemic, TSFM celebrated its first fully digital event: 35 projects were selected and pitched, 700 industry professionals attended from 64 countries (of which 130 as decision makers), 800 meetings occurred on TSFM’s online meeting platform and 800 short films from 93 countries were featured in TSFM’s Video-Library, available online to accredited guests up until six months after the event.
In order to achieve its objectives, TSFM develops several activities. Pitching sessions constitute one of the main focuses of the market. Oltrecorto is an international co-production pitch for upcoming feature film productions based on a previously released short film. Short Comedies is an international co-production pitch exclusively dedicated to comedy genre shorts. Distributors Meet Buyers is the first-ever pitch session for short film distributors facing an audience of buyers interested in discovering their film catalogue. Pitch Your Fest! is a pitch session dedicated to festivals programming short films aimed at presenting those events to an audience of producers, distributors and directors. XR Stories is an international co-production pitch exclusively dedicated to narrative extended reality content.
Industry panels focusing on a variety of subjects — among which a Country in Focus — and professional workshops are often developed in close collaboration with national & international partners and form additional key assets of the market. Due to the structure of its unique, historical and cosy location at Il Circolo degli Autori, TSFM is able to set up easy networking opportunities — whether that be one-on-one sessions or informal group meetings.
Highlights to remember (so far).
Torino Short Film Market vol. 1
Torino Short Film Market vol. 2
Torino Short Film Market vol. 3
Creative Europe MEDIA
Torino Short Film Market vol. 4
200 metres
Torino Short Film Market vol. 5
TSFM is organized by the Italian Short Film Center – AIACE Nazionale and is a member of Torino Film Industry (a network formed together with TorinoFilmLab and the Production Days by Film Commission Torino Piemonte) and Short Film Conference. TSFM has also kickstarted the Be Short Now! initiative, now part of and managed by Talking Shorts. TSFM is realized with the support of Creative Europe – MEDIA, MiBACT, Regione Piemonte, Film Commission Torino Piemonte, Camera di Commercio di Torino, Compagnia di San Paolo, Fondazione CRT and UniFrance.