
TSFM vol.3

The last day will be dedicated to

”States General of the Italian Shorts”


Sun. 25th Nov. 9:30AM – 1:30PM – Circolo dei Lettori



The Torino Short Film Market has reached its third edition. Its undeniable virtue has been to show that in Italy, despite what many may believe, the need for a short films market is extraordinarily vital. What Italian operators in the sector require more than ever today is coordination and a strategy. They need institutional support, of course, but first and foremost a common policy which will enable the sector to grow in a virtuous way.


It is some time now that the Shorts Centre is being urged to organize a meeting among the most active professionals involved in shorts that is first all a working table. It appeared quite obvious to us that the Torino Short Film Market was the right place to bring together producers, distributors, TV buyers and Italian festivals in a meeting which could address as many issues as possible and at the same time establish common guidelines.


In the morning, there will be brief talks on the three sectors: production, distribution and festivals. Following this, there will be a section open to all accredited guests present. Even though the morning’s activities will largely concern Italy, the meeting will be held entirely in English to enable foreign professionals to take part.


To partecipate you’ve to ask for an accreditation by the 5th of Nov: http://tsfm.centrodelcorto.it/en/accreditation/