[vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space 0=””][vc_empty_space][vc_empty_space][vc_empty_space 0=””][vc_empty_space 0=””][vc_empty_space 0=””][vc_empty_space 0=””][vc_empty_space][vc_empty_space][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/4″][vc_custom_heading text=”Structure” font_container=”tag:h1|text_align:left” use_theme_fonts=”yes”][/vc_column][vc_column width=”3/4″][vc_column_text]Wath you’ll find at the TSFM
The Torino Short Film Market is a meeting place for professionals in the world of short films and digital content. It boasts an international flavor (450 accredited participants from 36 countries in 2018), a broad range of profiles, a series of meetings planned and overseen by the TSFM, and a friendly atmosphere. All of the events take place at the elegant venue of the Circolo dei Lettori.
The detailed event schedule will be posted early November. In line with the past two editions, the main focus will be on new developments in the international shorts scene, and on opportunities to implement projects and sell films. In addition to its wide selection of talks, the TSFM is organizing five pitch sessions, which form the backbone of the market.
The pitch sessions
Short Comedies
Successful short comedies are few and far between. In general, the so-called genre cinema is underestimated when it isn’t all together ignored by shorts production. Short Comedies is a pitch of international co-production for comedy shorts. 7’ to attract partners and investors in modern, appealing, explosive comedy projects.
This uniquely effective format grew out of the realization that feature films and TV series often derive from shorts. The pitch session has two phases: a short film is screened, after which the production project (for a feature film or TV series) is presented as deriving from the short. The notion of “deriving from the short” means that there is a direct connection with the short film (characters, setting, plot, etc.). Short films, much more so than teasers, can offer a glimpse of how their future feature film or TV series will look and unfold. The director or screenwriter will have 7 minutes to present the project and, after the pitch session, will participate in one-on-one meetings with the invited producers.
Distributors meet buyers
The first-ever pitch session for shorts distributors. The selected distributors will face an audience of buyers, mainly for TV and VoD, and give 7-minute presentations of their catalogs, including film clips and new items. After the pitch session, they’ll be able to meet each buyer in a forum of one-on-one meetings.
Pitch Your Fest!
Festivals are an essential platform for shorts. That’s why the TSFM has devised a pitch session for short film festivals. In front of an audience made up of producers, distributors and directors, festivals that showcase short films will have 7 minutes to explain why it makes sense to apply and, more importantly, take full part in their event.
VR Stories
A few years ago it was said that VR was learning to speak. Now VR can speak, but can it really tell a story? The bids and experiments have been many, often very different from each other.
Hence the idea to create, as a follow up to the Digita! experience over the last two years, a co-production pitch for narrative VR contents. Just stories, which tell of the new world created by VR,
in a 7’ pitch that selected projects will have to present themselves to the decision makers.
and also
Market screenings
Three days of morning-to-evening screenings of international short film programs. The dual goal of screening these shorts programs is to sell the films and to show them in festivals. Only accredited participants can attend the screenings, which take place in a private room with preferential access to buyers and festival programmers.
VR Showcase
Three days of VR contents from all over the world available to Torino Short Film Market accredited guests thanks to the support of Proxima Milano.
Video library
During the TSFM, the Short Film Video Library will be launched. The TSFM’s video library, unlike those of other short film markets, results from a careful and deliberate selection: the films have been classified according to several criteria (topic, style, etc.) in order to facilitate access to the contents. The library will remain online and available to accredited participants for six months after the TSFM ends.
All You Need Is Short
As part of the Torino Film Festival, the TSFM is in charge of All You Need is Short, a space dedicated to screening an international selection of shorts that have not yet been shown in Italy, with a special focus on young and original filmmakers. All You Need is Short is curated by Massimiliano Nardulli and Enrico Vannucci.
Informal events
Throughout the TSFM, participants in the day’s activities will be invited to a lunch and a cocktail. Due to limited space, the invitation is not extended to all of the professionals present. The different rooms of the Circolo dei Lettori will be at the disposal of the accredited participants for all three days of the market, making it much easier for encounters to happen. In addition, the TSFM will organize various opportunities for people to meet one another, such as evening social gatherings, to be communicated at a later stage.
The network
All accredited participants in the TSFM will be provided access to the market’s network two weeks prior to the event, enabling them set up their appointments beforehand. All you need to do is enter the computer system, and then look for the person you wish to meet, either by category (e.g. ‘buyer’) or simply inserting their name. The individual’s file will appear, with an email address for direct contact.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row 0=””][vc_column 0=””][/vc_column][/vc_row]