Awards at the 3rd Torino Short Film Market
(22-25 november 2018)
This year’s Torino Short Film Market has been enhanced: three of its partners are offering awards to films taking part in the market screenings, as well as in the Oltrecorto and Digita! sections. The awards ceremony will take place during the TSFM.
Fondazione Sardegna Film Commission – Oltrecorto
The Fondazione Sardegna Film Commission will award the EXPERIENCE SARDEGNA prize worth Euro 5,000 in services to the best Oltrecorto project. The prize consists in an exploratory trip to the island fully paid by the Fondazione Sardegna Film Commission, for three members of the project group accompanied by a local location manager. An excellent opportunity to discover one of the most fascinating, mysterious and film friendly lands of Europe!
France Télévisions – Market screenings
France Télévisions, the leading French broadcaster, is offering as an award to purchase:
– One short film, of any genre and duration, taking part in the TSFM screenings
The film, to be selected on site by France Télévisions, will be included in the program Libre Court broadcast on France 3.
Sub-Ti Awards – Market screenings
Sub-Ti, an international subtitling company, is offering awards to two short films taking part in the Torino Short Film Market screenings:
– Sub-Ti Award
Subtitling services for the winning film in one of the following European languages: English, Italian, Spanish, German, Portuguese or Polish.
– Sub-Ti Access Award
Sub-Ti Access has been promoting a culture of accessibility in the film industry for many years, trying to raise awareness on inclusion and accessible versions for the visually and hearing impaired. The award consists of creating an accessible version of the winning film in either English or Italian.
Proxima Milano – Digita! / Oltrecorto
Proxima Milano, a TSFM partner, will participate in the upcoming 2018 edition, offering a color correction session as a special award:
– To the best pitch in the Digita! section
– To the best pitch in the Oltrecorto section
The following content entries are eligible for the award:
Virtual Reality filmed in 360° (max. duration 45′), or else Episode 0 of a Digital/Web Series (max. duration 60′) for Digita!;
Episode 0 of a TV Series (max. duration 60′), or else a Feature Film (max. duration 90′) for Oltrecorto.
The color correction session will be conducted at the Proxima Milano studios and must take place no later than 20 months after TSFM 2018. The content should be provided in compliance with international standards, and match the technical requirements and schedule of Proxima Milano.