
[vc_row][vc_column][vc_empty_space height=”250px”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_tta_accordion][vc_tta_section title=”Thursday 21, Friday 22, Saturday 23 – SALA ARTISTI” tab_id=”1572355894262-f1221a33-b7d6″][vc_column_text]Anonymous by Sojung Bahng, South Korea, 2019, 10’
3D, Interactive VR and 360° – sojung.bahng@monash.edu
The spirit of a dead wife observes her former husband living alone, remembering his life. She embodies objects and creatures in the house: her portrait, the TV, a butterfly, a phone, a light and a star.

A Bar at the Folies-Bergère (Un bar aux Folies Bergère) by Gabrielle Lissot, France, 2018, 6’
Immersive VR – contact@i-k-o.fr
A four acts immersion into Manet’s famous painting. Alternately from the point of view of the painter, of his model Suzon, of the client observing her and of a visitor at the Courtauld Gallery, where the masterwork is currently exposed.

Borderline by Assaf Machnes, Israel, 2018, 9’
360° VR – assafmach@gmail.com
Based on true events, Borderline is a short VR following a confusing encounter on the Israeli-Egyptian border.

The Brute Creation by Patrick Henry, Ireland, 2019, 12’
Immersive VR – patrick@deepxr.com
After encountering “Pink Skull” and her totemic objects, 5 separate underworlds open their doors on different animals making prophetic warnings about the Earth and how the humans are f**king it all up.

Children Do Not Play War by Fabiano Mixo, United States / Brazil / Uganda, 2019, 8’
360° VR – mail@fabianomixo.com
Children Do Not Play War is a cinematic Virtual Reality tale of the war in Uganda told through the eyes of a young girl.

The Last Red House (L’ultima casetta rossa) by Laura Schimmenti, Italy, 2019, 29’
360° VR – playmakerproduzioni@gmail.com
It’s 1943 and Carmelo is an Officer at the front at Cephalonia during the II WW, when Italy signs the armistice and Italian soldiers decide to resist the former German allies. Carmelo goes towards his tragic destiny while his wife Netty with dramatic letters desperately searches for him.

Me/Moire VR by Omar Rashid, Italy, 2019, 6’
360° VR – info@goldenterprise.it, sara@goldenterprise.it
A fusion project between contemporary dance and Butoh, an immersive experience set in different scenarios, landscapes, through an intimate journey searching for a collective subconscious and memory, shared by all human beings.

Old Sana’a City: Samsarat Al-Nuhas by Mariam Al-Dhubhani, Yemen, 2019, 7’
VR – maa6294@u.northwestern.edu
A journey inside the ancient culture in danger of craft jewellery at Samsarat Al Nuhas: Yemeni jewellers once depended on tourism and international exhibitions to create and sell their work, but since 2006 their war-torn home reduced the number of tourists and many jewellers are also unable to travel as obtaining a Visa is extremely difficult. The decrease in the demand for authentic Yemeni traditional jewellery led to cheaper material flooding the market with replicas from China and India.

Pathway by Tracey Strnad, Canada, 2019, 6’
Digital 360 5.2K and 8K, 2:1 – tom@mountaingoatfilm.com
A 360 documentary film exploring the past experiences of Chief English along with the first time journey of Strong White Buffalo Woman as she walks the footsteps of her ancestors on the pathway to the village of the souls.

Reserved Pearls of Russia: Kronotsky Reserve  (Заповедия) by Anton Zhdanov, Russian Federation, 2019, 9’
360° VR – ekaterina@eastwood.agency
Inside the city walls, we usually don’t think about the way everything works in nature. All over Russia there are pristine islets with mind-blowing living creatures showed for the first time in 360°. Part of Russia’s Wilderness documentary series (17 episodes).

Senegal Detour. Climate Change, Environment and Agricolture: Fonio Colture As a Possible Answer (Senegal Detour) by Stefano Sburlati, Italy, 2019, 10’
360° VR – stefano.sburlati@yahoo.it
Climate change is a global phenomenon, however its effects vary widely around the world. In Senegal agriculture it’s especially suffering. The rediscovery of fonio in cultivations, one of the oldest cereals in Africa, might be one a quick way to face the problem.

Sublimation by Karolina Markiewicz, Germany, 2019, 20’
Interactive VR – distribution@invr.space
Sublimation is an interactive, installation based VR experience about dance and the freedom of creation – the metaphor of creation. The visitor explores the world of art and dance of Butoh – a Japanese contemporary dance – through unique real-time responsive environments.

Tx-Reverse 360° by Virgil Widrich, Martin Reinhart, Austria / Germany, 2019, 5’
360° VR -info@refreshingfilms.com
Martin Reinhart invented a film technique called “tx-transform”, which exchanges the time (t) and space axis (x) in a film. Normally, each individual film frame represents the entire space, but only a brief moment of time (1/24 sec- ond). In tx-transformed films, the opposite is true.

VR Free by Milad Tangshir, Italy, 2019, 10’
360° VR – milad.tangshir@gmail.com
Exploring the nature of incarceration spaces by portraying some fractions of life inside the Turin prison, VR Free shows also how inmates reacts during their brief encounter with immersive videos of life outside of prison.

Whispering Walls (Les murs parlent) by Judith Depaule, France, 2019, 12’
Immersive VR – judith@mabeloctobre.net, xdelavegal@gmail.com
A prison cell in France, where the walls seem to have voice: graffiti blossom on the walls with movements. They were carved by freedom fighters in the 1940s. A woman needs help to find the messages of her lover.[/vc_column_text][/vc_tta_section][/vc_tta_accordion][/vc_column][/vc_row]